What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan (aka a “Comp Plan”) is a long-range planning document that provides a shared community vision and policy framework to guide public and private decision-making on future land uses across a municipality.

South Portland’s Comprehensive Plan provides a foundation for future policies adopted by the City of South Portland, and is used by elected officials, staff, committees and boards, citizens, and investors to make decisions that shape the city’s development. The most recent Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2012 and examines and addresses various factors that impact the City’s character, preservation, growth, and fiscal condition. The updated plan will provide information and guidance through 2040 on topics including :

  • Existing Land Uses

  • Natural & Water Resources

  • Agricultural and Forest Resources

  • Marine Resources

  • Economy

  • Housing

  • Recreation

  • Transportation

  • Public Facilities and Services

  • Historic and Archaeological Resources

  • Future Land Use

  • Fiscal Capacity and Capital Investment

Why does the City need to adopt a new Comprehensive Plan?

Maine municipalities are required by state law to adopt land use policies that curb unchecked development and sprawl. The Comprehensive Planning and Land Use Act (“Growth Management Act”) of 1988 provides guidance and requirements for comprehensive plans, and was enacted during a period of unprecedented growth and expansion of economic centers to new municipalities across the state. Formerly rural towns began to see growth outpace local capacity for services, which negatively impacted community identify, local taxes, quality of life, and natural resources.

Municipalities are also granted legal authority over specific areas of land use regulation, such as shoreland zoning and impact fees, if they have a state-certified Comprehensive Plan. Adopting a certified Comprehensive Plan means a municipality is also eligible for over $80 million in public funding awarded annually through nearly 30 state grant and loan programs.

To achieve the goals of the Growth Management Act, South Portland’s Comprehensive Plan must designate “growth” areas and “limited growth” areas within the city. These designations and other portions of the Comprehensive Plan must be updated every 12 years in order to reflect accurate community goals and priorities for development and to be eligible for certification by the State of Maine.