South Portland 2040 Comprehensive Plan

April - June 2023

Phase I SoPo Yesterday & Today

  • The Comp Plan update starts with compiling inventories and projected needs through 2040 of the plan elements. This includes reviewing all relevant local and regional plans and studies, collecting data to further develop and refine the analysis, and consulting with key staff, local officials, and other members of the community to establish a baseline understanding of the community. Focus group discussions and interviews also help to inform the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Constraints (SWOC) analysis.

    In this phase, the team will compile the inventories and needs projections for each element into a summary report, including inventories with maps illustrating the current conditions of the built and natural environment and resident demographics.

  • Inventory Chapters (coming soon)

  • Watch recordings of past CPC meetings via SPC-TV!

June 2023 - January 2024

Phase II SoPo Tomorrow

January - September 2024

Phase III Achieving Tomorrow

  • In Phase III, the community, City partners, City staff, and the Committee will think critically about how best to achieve the future conditions identified in the vision statement and goals, including identifying best practices.

    Strategies are ways that the City will work to achieve the goals. They are actionable and will involve funding, regulations, programs, and/or use of other City resources, such as staff or volunteer time. Community planning efforts have meaning only if they are implemented. It is vital to develop a strategic, realistic, and fiscally responsible planning document with an implementation plan that is thoroughly vetted by local policymakers.

  • Key Policy Questions

    Community Design Charettes

    • Front Street / Eastern Waterfront engagement results (exp. August 2024)

    • Cash Corner / Crosstown Connector engagement results (exp. August 2024)

    Waterfront Resilience

  • April 18th, 2024 (approval pending)

    March 6th, 2024

    April 3rd, 2024

  • Watch recordings of past CPC meetings via SPC-TV!

September 2024 - March 2025

Phase IV Finalization & Certification

  • This phase focuses on refining strategies and the implementation program, as well as finalization and adoption of the complete South Portland Comp Plan. The plan will include a concise and graphic public-facing document that will outline the community’s vision, priority goals and strategies, finalized future land use plan and map, summary of participation, and an associated detailed and well-organized Action Plan under separate cover. Project deliverables will include comprehensive documents, including a section for goals and strategies, narrative sections for each of the Comp Plan elements, and an Action Plan.

  • Coming soon!

  • Coming soon!

  • Watch recordings of CPC meetings once they've happened via SPC-TV!

Read the draft Vision and Goals that have been adopted for the Comprehensive Plan update.

These statements were adopted by the Comprehensive Plan Committee on January 31, 2024. The Vision and Goals will drive all policy actions that will be developed with the community through Phase III of the planning process in 2024 and 2025.

Note: The Vision and Goals remain in “draft” form until they are adopted by the City Council when the draft Plan is presented. This allows the Vision and Goals to be responsive to continuing community discussion on the plan and specific actions.